
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After

As Christmas time has come and gone in the since of a day, but we need to celebrate Jesus Christ everyday!  Anyways, it was such a joyous time celebrating with our family and watching all the cousins having fun and playing together.  There is something so great about hearing the kids running and playing throughout  the house.  I just pray that next year our new little one will be laughing and running and playing with them.
 Laying in bed this morning snuggled with my family I was thanking God for the true blessing of our family and anticipating/dreaming of our other child snuggling there with us by this time next year (oh how I pray that will be so)!  Our family is just not complete without them and God is so good to have put that desire in our heart and to keep nuturing that desire for our child who is far away.  We continue to pray daily for them and their protection and can not wait to pick them up and hold and squeeze and kiss their beautiful face.  I am so thankful to God for helping me/us through this time of year knowing that they are far away from us and not knowing their situation is hard, but God has challenged us and brought us closer to Him through this time of growing and leaning on Him to take care of them and us.  This time of waiting is hard (and we have only been in this stage for 3 months) but we are going to take this time to let God work on us and what He needs to teach us and if we allow Him to  grow us through this time the lessons we gain are far more worthy than the hardship of the "waiting"!  Everything comes in HIS timing!  Merry Christmas to everyone and I pray we all learn and grow in Him this upcoming year!!!

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