
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Way too long

First off, I apologize for not posting in such a long time.  It has been busy and I just haven't made posting on here a priority.  On our adoption front we are now almost 5 months waiting and at times it doesn't seem like it has been 5 months and other times it does.  I know we are ready to have our child in our home and being a part of of family on a daily basis.  We pray for them all the time and pray God is holding them through this until we can all be together and He holds us as a family!  I just love that thought!!!  There has been some movement over in Ethiopia with other families getting referrals, court dates, being submitted to Embassy and being cleared by Embassy and bringing their children home.  It is so awesome to see the emails on those embassy clearances because it means another child is joined with their forever family and they are making their way back to their home TOGETHER!  I just love that news and I can't wait until that is our news and we never have to be seperated again! 

On to what has been in my heart:

Enjoying this Moment in your Life
Life is so short and we never know how long we will have each other, so cherish THIS day with your husband, children and other loved ones because only God knows what tomorrow will bring!  I pray that I do that each day and not get bogged down with all the have too's of the day.  Take that time when your husband calls to focus on him or when your child says let's play hide-n-seek-just do it.  House cleaning, chores etc can usually wait so you can make a sweet memory with you loved one.  I am writing this because just last week a friend of mine's brother lost their baby before he was born and it shakes you and it can destroy you if you do not have God as your center.  It also makes me think of all of the orphans-some are orphans because they are just given up, but others are orphans from poverty, disease, terminal illness and I know it has to break those momma's hearts to give their children up because they can no longer take care of them and don't you think they relish those last goodbye's, last kisses, last hugs and hang on to those memories for the rest of their lives.  I am forever grateful to those women and men who make this difficult choice for their children.  So whether a sweet precious life is way too short or they are givin up for adoption we must relish in each sweet precious day with our loved ones because you will never get this day back!!! 

I thank God for His loving grace that is there for all of us, if we chose to take Him into our hearts!  I pray God is leading you in your walk in this life and I pray you are enjoying and making memories in the journey He has you on at this moment in your life!!!

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